Lligwy Beach Cafe

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Its cold outside... and muddy xx

There are lots of things about living in the country I love, the views, the sea, having noisy geese and no one complaining.  However, sometimes I wish my time was spent walking down lovely unmuddy pavements into a cosy little coffee shop, and maybe having afternoon tea and cake.  But the reality of living on a farm and having animals is that sometimes you have to be outside in the freezing cold, getting covered in mud, putting fencing up! Nice. 
Enough complaining though... I have had chance to be inside by the fire making nice little bits and bobs, reading blogs and pinning to my hearts content on pinterest - my new obsession.
I've had chance to make this little cloud which I think will hang in the cafe, I just need to add some colourful raindrops I think.
Also I'm getting on quite well with my fabric wrapped lettering.... eventually it will spell 'lligwy beach cafe'  I got the tutorial from a cuppa and a catch up i think its looking quite nice.
In the interests of things to pin on pinterest I've also been photographing some of my favourite pictures and things... I definitely need to work on my photography skills though, so for now this is my favourite ikea buy... owls and crochet... whats not to like?
I bought a lovely new crochet book recently ... you can see it here..Cute and Easy crochet by Nicki Trench I tried a few of the roses from the front cover, they were easy to make and will go on any project.
I found this great crochet flower tutorial lovely crochet flower and used it to make a flower for this cushion, its also the first time I've done a crochet border and I was really pleased xxx
Anyway - enough for now I'll catch you later ... xxx

Thursday 9 February 2012

I love tutorials !

The web is an amazing place, and something that makes it even more fantastic for craft lovers is the amazing amount of brilliant tutorials available.  It never ceases to amaze me, the ingenuity of all the lovely crafty bloggers out there.
I started this post with the intention of listing my favourite tutorials, but I'm afraid there are just too many!!
So what I thought I'd do is just list the ones I've done or are working on.
I bet many of you are like me, in that you have lots of little projects off magazines that you haven't quite got round to doing - I know I have, so I thought I'd try and finish them and show you the results.....so here is the first... this was from the first issue of Mollie Makes and I've used some of the ribbon from the last issue....
I've managed to organise myself enough to put all my free pictures out of Homes and Antiques magazine into frames and onto the wall

Finally onto the tutorial I'm working on at the moment, at the moment it just looks like this.....
But hopefully soon it will look something like this fantastic wrapped letters tutorial from a cuppa and a catch up
So I'll update you soon on more tutorials that I love and projects I've finished, in the meantime ....happy crafting xxx

Monday 6 February 2012

It's a colourful life

My head is always buzzing with things I'm making, things I want to make, things I've found, it goes on....
This weekend I've made this lovely 'open' sign for the cafe.  I got the idea from a photo in CrossStitcher of the sign on the door of The Makery. I think it a bit 'gappy' so I might add something at the bottom.
I found this really cool tea towel on this great website Pretty Dandy . I've got loads of tea towels hung around the counter in the cafe, they brighten up the place (and hide the mess!!)  I'm just going to have to add this one to the collection xx

This year I'm making all the aprons for the season in the cafe...we all spend so much time there that we really need lovely things to keep us smiling ....this is the first I've made for my daughter, Sophie.  I got the embroidery from the Mollie Makes feature by Jenny, embroidery goddess of Sublime Stitching

Just one more smilley thing before I go and do some proper work... this lovely retro ring from a lovely lady in Liverpool .... Indigo Stitch

That's all for now...... I'm trying to get all my favourite crafty tutorials together for a super helpful blog...so I'll be back soon xxx

Saturday 4 February 2012

Hello cool world xx

O.K. so today is where my blogging life begins... I read loads of blogs and all of them make me smile.  I love the way those talented people who write them must be able to look back and be pleased with all the things they have blogged about xx
So here is mine............

Its really cold and grey here today so I have taken a few photos of the things that are brightening up my day .. 

This first picture is a mod cushion I made following the tutorial from one of my favourite blogs A Beautiful Mess. I have made a man cushion too... I'll post that another day.
This brill little spacehopper bottle opener, lives on my fridge and has done for a few years (sorry - he's a little grubby round the edges). He's my favourite thing in my kitchen, mainly because he's so cool and opens my end of day beer!! whoop x  I got him, along with lots of lovely badges, from the uber talented Jane at Snapdragon Garden

My favourite magazine of the moment is Mollie Makes and in the last issue were these gorgeous crochet hearts I just had to make.  The pattern is from the lovely Bella Dia xx

So you see.. although the weather is yuck outside, in here are lots of sun-shiney things xx hope your day is sunny- inside or out xx